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The Lovepop Journal — posts tagged "news"

Shark Tank Story: Natalie - Lovepop Designer

Posted by Veronica Armstrong on

Introducing Natalie, one of Lovepop's talented designers. Natalie is the creative mastermind behind some of our favorite designs including the newly released Baby Chicks. Natalie's gorgeous work and wonderful sense of humor bring something special to Lovepop HQ. Read more to learn more about what the Shark Tank experience is like from Natalie's perspective.   As a recent graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, in one of my elective classes, Intro to Business, our professor actually made us watch numerous episodes of Shark Tank to try and spark the inner entrepreneur in us all. I fell in...

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Shark Tank Story: Kate - PR

Posted by Veronica Armstrong on

Introducing Kate, our PR genius. She's the creative force behind some of our most memorable stories and appearances. Watching Kate flawlessly move from placing a story in Success Magazine to cramming a man wearing a bear suit into a packed Uber is thrilling and exhausting. We don't know how she does it - but she does, and we are so thankful. Read on to learn more about Kate's unique perspective on the Shark Tank experience. As a publicist, I’ve experienced my fair share of spectacular media hits over the last decade. I know how a polarizing segment on “The Daily...

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Shark Tank

Posted by Veronica Armstrong on

Shark Tank fever has hit lovepop HQ. In the months, weeks, and days leading up to our airing the excitement has steadily increased. We couldn't believe it when the big day finally arrived. Friday morning started off like any other, a pleasant day in the office for the lovepop team. Well, except for the camera crew that was here filming our every move - totally normal.  As the time drew near, there was a flurry of activity and a steady stream of well-wishers and friends arriving at the lovepop office. Some of us started to get a little freaked out....

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