Red Rose Bouquet
Red Rose Bouquet
Celebrate with Lovepop Flowers — our large, standalone centerpieces that are perfect for giving and displaying. Lovepop Flowers have the same intricate detailing as all of our Lovepop greeting cards, and they come beautifully packaged in a protective envelope. Allergy-friendly, portable, and long-lasting, these flowers can be shared with anyone, go anywhere, and will never wilt.
This Red Floral Bouquet perfectly captures the magic of traditional flowers in a special way. The tied knot around the sturdy red vase covered with little drawn hearts represents an unbreakable bond between two people. Extending out of the vase is a beautiful arrangement of red paper roses. They sit among green leaves and baby's breath to create a gorgeous arrangement that will never wilt or set off someone's allergies.
If you want to show your significant other how much you care about them, our Red Rose Bouquet card is the perfect gift. It makes an ideal Valentine's Day gift or everyday display of affection. Your partner will appreciate the thoughtfulness of an arrangement that's everlasting, just like your love for them.
The Red Rose Bouquet is 10.25 inches tall by 7.5 inches wide when fully unfolded.
One pop-up Red Rose Bouquet with a Lovepop Note, packaged in a love-filled sleeve.
Lovepop Flowers come beautifully-packaged in a protective paper envelope. For shipping, we recommend placing the envelope inside of a 12x15 inch mailer to ensure it arrives safely to your recipient. This bouquet weighs 6 ounces — please visit your local post office or shipping store for varied shipping and pricing options.
Add a matching pop-up card with our Red Rose bundles.
Really great for Valentine's day! The kids and my wife loved them, and it made the day extra special :)
It was a gift and my Aunt at 94 was completely overwhelmed. She is not capable of vase in a bouquet :bouquet:.
Tk U, da judge
I got them for my mom and she loves them...
she Loved it!
Amazing products I highly recommend.